Category: Preschoolers

Reach for the Ceiling

Reach for the Ceiling

Rating: 2.1/5. From 7 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Kia and this is my son Bodhi who is 2 years old. This rhyme encourages play and motion to accompany the words. When you and your child play together, learning words and their meanings is lots of fun. You can make up new and different games that will add to your ... Read More of Reach for the Ceiling



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Literacy Tip Hello, my name is Cliff. In the following song, we put the letters up and take one down as we sing each verse and we clap that letter. We sing this song with many different words but today we are using the word TRUCK. Transcript There is something that really goes and truck is ... Read More of Truck

Los Elefantes

Los Elefantes

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Literacy Tip ¡Hola! Yo soy Mary. Esta canción es divertida. Anime a su niño a seguir elaborando este cuento. ¿Qué sucederá si más elefantes deciden columpiarse? Transcript Un elefante se columpiaban, En una telaraña, Como vio, resistió, Fue a llamar a otro elefante. Dos elefantes, ... Read More of Los Elefantes

Can You Stretch?

Can You Stretch?

Rating: 2.5/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Mary and I want to share with you a great rhyme with lots of actions to it! One of the ways this rhyme helps kids get ready to read is by focusing on vocabulary--- both nouns and verbs. We are encouraging physical participation that’s just right for the pre-readers. ... Read More of Can You Stretch?

De Colores

De Colores

Rating: 3.8/5. From 6 votes.
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Literacy Tip ¡Hola todos! Me llamo Emilia. Esta es una canción muy conocida en español. Cuando anima a sus pequeños a aprender de primero su idioma natal en el hogar, Ud. les está facilitando a que más tarde hablen y lean otro idioma con mayor facilidad. Transcript De colores, de colores ... Read More of De Colores

Que Llueva

Que Llueva

Rating: 2.0/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hola. Me llamo Mary. Cantar rimas como ésta ayuda a los niños a escuchar los diferentes sonidos que hay en una palabra. Cantar es una cosa fácil que pueden hacer juntos para ayudar a los niños a prepararse para leer! Transcript Que llueva, que llueva, la vieja está en la ... Read More of Que Llueva

Dinosaur Rhyme

Dinosaur Rhyme

Rating: 3.8/5. From 2 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Cliff and I want to show you how to do a rhyme about dinosaurs, a very popular topic for your kids in the pre-reader stage. By focusing on something that they love, you can encourage them to discover books and stories that feed this insatiable desire to ... Read More of Dinosaur Rhyme

Alphabet Monster

Alphabet Monster

Rating: 3.4/5. From 9 votes.
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Literacy Tip I’m Becky. My son, Holden, is 3 and knows the alphabet song, but this rhyme helps him learn that letters can be put together in lots of different ways. Transcript I'm the Alphabet Monster And nothing tastes better To the Alphabet Monster Than eating a letter. A "j" and an ... Read More of Alphabet Monster

Chocolate, Chocolate

Chocolate, Chocolate

Rating: 2.6/5. From 9 votes.
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Literacy Tip ¡Hola! Me llamo Larry. Esta rima popular puede ser muy divertida con niños de cuatro y cinco años. Anime a su niño o niña a decir esta rima lo más rápido que pueda, y ríanse juntos si el resultado es divertido. Transcript Uno, dos, tres cho uno, dos, tres co uno, dos, tres ... Read More of Chocolate, Chocolate

Parade Song

Parade Song

Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Mary. The Parade Song makes language fun! Children from infant to preschool age bend and twist and use the entire body to create the sounds of the various instruments. It’s a wonderful way to discover rhythm in words and music! Transcript (sung to "Are You ... Read More of Parade Song