Category: Toddlers

Choo-Choo Train

Choo-Choo Train

Rating: 3.1/5. From 6 votes.
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Literacy Tip My name is Cindy. Two and three year olds love trains. This action rhyme tells the story of a train through words and actions, helping children to understand opposites—forward and back. Transcript This is the choo-choo train (Bend arms at elbows.) Puffing down the track. (Rotate ... Read More of Choo-Choo Train

Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

Rating: 3.2/5. From 7 votes.
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Literacy Tip My name is Cindy, and I want to share a song with you that is very calming. This song helps kids settle when they’ve been active and gotten a little hyped up. It’s got a nice rhythm and by singing it more slowly and quietly with each repetition you can focus more and more on the ... Read More of Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

Hallando Un Huevo

Hallando Un Huevo

Rating: 2.8/5. From 2 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hola. Soy Jessica. Voy a recitar una rima que ayuda a los niños a contar un cuento en orden. Toca los dedos, o dedos de pie, del niño para que puedan recordar la rima y el orden del cuento. Transcript Este niño halló un huevo. Este lo coció. Este lo peló. Este le echó la ... Read More of Hallando Un Huevo

Turtle Rhyme

Turtle Rhyme

Rating: 4.2/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi! My name is Jessica. The Turtle rhyme helps a child build storytelling skills and self-esteem! It follows a simple sequence, with a surprise ending for the toddler or preschool child. This rhyme is especially fun when it becomes a game of anticipation! Who knows where that turtle ... Read More of Turtle Rhyme

Que Llueva

Que Llueva

Rating: 2.0/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hola. Me llamo Mary. Cantar rimas como ésta ayuda a los niños a escuchar los diferentes sonidos que hay en una palabra. Cantar es una cosa fácil que pueden hacer juntos para ayudar a los niños a prepararse para leer! Transcript Que llueva, que llueva, la vieja está en la ... Read More of Que Llueva

Patty Cake

Patty Cake

Rating: 3.3/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Cliff. When you play “patty cake” with your baby, trace the first letter of your child’s name in his palm so that he feels the shape of the letter. This beginning knowledge of shapes will help him learn to recognize letters as he gets older. Transcript Patty ... Read More of Patty Cake

Alphabet Monster

Alphabet Monster

Rating: 3.4/5. From 9 votes.
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Literacy Tip I’m Becky. My son, Holden, is 3 and knows the alphabet song, but this rhyme helps him learn that letters can be put together in lots of different ways. Transcript I'm the Alphabet Monster And nothing tastes better To the Alphabet Monster Than eating a letter. A "j" and an ... Read More of Alphabet Monster

Parade Song

Parade Song

Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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Literacy Tip Hi, my name is Mary. The Parade Song makes language fun! Children from infant to preschool age bend and twist and use the entire body to create the sounds of the various instruments. It’s a wonderful way to discover rhythm in words and music! Transcript (sung to "Are You ... Read More of Parade Song

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Rating: 3.2/5. From 3 votes.
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Literacy Tip Hi. I’m Cydney, and this my son, Stephen. He is 24 months old. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is one of our favorite songs. Notice that it tells a story. (Rhyme) After singing, you can ask your child to tell you what happened in the song. When children tell what happened, they develop ... Read More of Itsy Bitsy Spider