I Went to Visit a Farm One Day – Lisa Dengerink


Hi! I am Lisa Dengerink. Today, I am sharing a fun animal recognition song, which also works well as a chant. It’s called “I Went to Visit a Farm One Day.”

I went to visit a farm one day, I saw a COW along the way, and what do you think the cow did say? Moo, moo, moo.

I went to visit a farm one day, I saw a DOG along the way, and what do you think the dog did say? Ruff, ruff, ruff.

I went to visit a farm one day, I saw my MOM along the way, and what do you think my mom did say? I. Love. You.

What I like best about this number is that it is very adaptable. I can use my stick puppets or other visual cues to help the children figure out what’s next. This is almost endless fun discovering what animals look and sound like. You can also change it up even more by suggesting that we visited a rainforest, zoo, desert, or swamp and sub-in appropriate animals, movements, and sounds.

Besides animal and sound recognition, this piece solidifies that important steady beat, which assists in developing coordination, speech, and thought flow.

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